Have you secured you innovation capability?
Innovation management professionals are the catalysts and drivers for organisations that want to aim higher and boost their capabilities to innovate and renew themselves.
We support you as a professional
Innovationsledarna supports you as an innovation management professional, create awareness and strengthen the profession in all types of organizations in Sweden. Join our Thematic Meeting Groups or Mentor Program.
Join our community!
If you are actively working with innovation management or want to support and develop the profession and discipline, welcome to join. Read more. Meet our community!
”A vital goal in innovation management is to fail fast and learn fast! In this community, we openly share experiences and best practices on a personal level.
-Irfan Khalid, Head of Innovation at Cybercom. Learn more

This is Us
“Medarbetardriven innovation demokratiserar kreativitet”
Sisirnath Sangireddy, Epiroc
“En hållbar omställning kräver innovation”
Theresa Berg, Handelsbanken
“Utmaningen är genomförandeförmågan”
Maja Påhlman, Lantmännen
“Innovation möjliggör mänsklig utveckling”
Thomas Kirkegaard, Influence
“Innovation betyder något när det översätts till värde och påverkan!”
Ilgi Evecan Duran, Global Innovation Leader, The Absolut Company
“Kvalitetssäkra innovation i reglerade branscher”
Noelia Almanza, King