9/5 TMG: Innovation management and AI

Innovation Management & Artificial Intelligence (AI) might seem like a mere set of buzzwords. However, those who know how vital this combination, and the resulting mindset, is in optimizing all parts of the Innovation Funnel will benefit from this Thematic Meeting Group (TMG).

We will try to leverage our member's experiences as much as possible and also try to test things practically. Examples of relevant discussion topics could include Knowledge Management Systems, Feedback Management, Open Innovation, Decentralized Collaboration, and Smart Contracts in relation to Challenge-driven innovation.

My name is Adam, and I am studying "Leadership and Command & Control" at the Swedish Defence University and BBE at the Stockholm School of Economics. My interests include Operations Consulting, Organizational Change Management, and Knowledge Management in relation to social and public policy and admin. I intend to re-launch the TMG Innovation Management & AI because the topic's importance feels more palpable than ever before.

May 9th, 2023. Time: 13:00-14:00.
Re-startup meeting.

Only for members. Become a member!

Contact Adam if you want to join!