21/2 Innovation theatre – The danger when innovation is a (the) thing

Innovation theatre doesn’t just kill startups. It kills innovation managers, too.

Innovation theater is any innovation initiative that is done to signal that innovation is happening but that doesn’t have a significant business impact. The company hire a innovation manager with no budget and resources. It's more of a show.

Welcome to the members event 21/2 Innovation theatre – The danger when innovation is a (the) thing at King.

In this members meeting we will learn more about why and how innovation is a cultural thing and what needs to change in order to make innovation an integral part of your business.

Innovation theater is any innovation initiative that is done to signal that innovation is happening but that doesn’t have a significant business impact. These initiatives are often accompanied by large press releases and media with little tangible detail, or at least, you will feel a lot of pressure on yourself to make “it” happen.

This topic will be discussed in a panel of Malina Borg Sigg, Strategic Product Manager – Edge Computing & MPN Telenor, Björn Ekstedt, Business executive, advisor and CIO, Thomas Kirkegaard, Senior Innovation & Sustainability Consultant, Influence and Niklas Huss, Innovationscoach och project manager, Samverket, These Innovation professionals will share their experience from innovation challenges. Moderator: Noelia Almanza, Assoc. Director and Senior Advisory in Innovation Management at King

Host: KING, Noelia Almanza
Time: 21 feb15.00-18.00 with mingling to app. 19.00
Place: KING, Malmskillnadsgatan 19


Noelia Almanza, Senior Advisory in Innovation Management

The author of a Sifted article: "Innovation theatre doesn't kill only startups, it kills innovation managers too", Noelias has had multiple innovation management roles. She currently works as an Associate Director of Engineering at King.


15:00 - 15:20 Welcome and updates from Innovationsledarna
15:20 - 16:20 Panel and Q&A
16:20 - 16:50 Coffee break 
16:50 - 18:00 Workshop
18:00 -19:00 Mingle

In this members meeting we will focus on sharing experience and you will be able to meet a panel to discuss your own experiences and hopefully you will get some solutions to bring with you back to your job. Panel consists of Innovation professionals from start up companies, large international companies with their experience from innovation and its outmost challenges.

(Image Source: King. One of Sweden's most beautiful offices 2022)
Info Innovationsledarna